Setting an @editable message data type in the verse script doesn’t allow me to adjust the text from within the UEFN details panel while I have the console selected.
Hi @DolphinDom:
There was a recent change to require that @editable
instances of classes must be concrete. Unfortunately, message
does not have this characteristic.
We are aware of the unfortunate limitation of not being able to easily create a message
from a Verse string
. There is an active discussion about this internally.
Hi! Are there any updates on allowing message type variables to be exposed in UEFN?
I’m working on a project and trying to create a rough toolkit for other people on the project to use rather than also needing to learn Verse.
Thank you for your report! We would like to look into this further, would you be able to submit a bug report using the form available here: Fortnite Creative
You can accomplish this by modifying your message variable in a way that it allows it to change it’s message through the use of a regular string.
# String can be modified in the editor
MyText : string = ""
# Note that we add an argument Text, allowing us to pass a string
TitleMessage<localizes>(Text : string) : message = "{Text}"
This way, you can now pass in the MyText variable whenever you use the TitleMessage anywhere in your code. For example, setting a text_block text
# Some text block widget
TextBlock : text_block = text_block{}
# Setting the text block message