Minor - Please lift the limit on Forum Upvotes, bring back the Heart button

While I’m grateful @Flak added Upvoting to Forum posts in all categories (Thank you!), I’m disappointed that we’re limited to 40 Upvotes, and the Heart button has been removed from all posts. Is this a lifetime limit of 40 per user, or are Upvotes are replenished on a schedule? Is this limit meant to force us to take Upvotes seriously and reserve them only for posts we believe will be the most useful for the community? I kind of understand that (though I don’t necessarily agree with it). If so, could you please at least bring back Hearts in addition to Upvotes, as a less formal alternative?

Below is what I saw when I intentionally tested the limit by Upvoting 40 posts. You also see a warning showing how many Upvotes you have left. Though I’m seeing 9 votes left on Firefox and 20 left on Chrome, which is weird.

Now that my Upvotes are limited, I plan to mostly quit Upvoting posts in Creations, so that I can save my Upvotes for posts that have more lasting utility for the UEFN community, like Issues and Bugs or answers in the Scripting section. But I’m bummed I can’t show friendly encouragement in Creations, because it boosts people’s confidence and helps bond the community. Also creators don’t get a notification when their post is Upvoted, and they can’t see who did the Upvoting, so Upvotes aren’t very social.

Also, if the 40 upvote limit continues for months (years?), long-term and active users will be forced to start removing our Upvotes from older posts in order to free up our Upvotes to use on newer posts. This could cause old posts that still might be useful for newer users to lose Upvotes over time and get buried. I remember Flak saying that these Forums are temporary until Epic releases a more permanent space elsewhere, and I understand Epic employees are working hard. But creators need to be archiving info and building relationships now, not just later.


After months of trying to support the Forums, I’m growing more and more frustrated with the Forums interface. I’m not the only creator who feels this. This is partly why many of us continue to ask and answer UEFN questions in Discord channels and in private DMs instead. For example it’s unacceptable that creators are still unclear on how search the UEFN section of the Forums by keyword. I have more thoughts on this but for now I’ll limit this post to feedback about Upvotes and Hearts.

The search issues are being addressed and a fix should be coming soon. I’ll check into turning off vote limits.

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Also, to be clear, these forum posts will remain in the new forum. :slight_smile:

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Yayyy thank you!!! On original posts (not comments) are Upvotes intended to be a replacement for Hearts, moving forward? I notice that we still don’t have a Heart option on original posts in Creations (but we can leave Hearts on comments.) I think as long as there’s no Upvote limit, the system allowing Upvotes for original posts and Hearts on comments makes sense. It was kinda confusing having both Upvote and Heart options available for original posts, so this might be better.

It does look like there is no way for me to turn the hearts back on, but you can still click a heart for the post on the main page. I didn’t realize it wasn’t showing on posts any longer!