Hey, just wanted to point out that the Verse API webpage still refers to speaker_device instead of audioplayer_device. Could y’all please update it? Thanks!
Also, why is it audioplayer_device and not audio_player_device? All of the other device hooks have an underscore between each word: prop_mover_device, customizable_light_device etc. When I didn’t see the Audio Player in the API I assumed it would be formatted as audio_player_device and I got an error for using that, so I guessed audioplayer_device and it worked. Is it to late to change it to audio_player_device? It might seem small but the formatting discrepancy is confusing. Or maybe other people think of audioplayer as one word not two?
Thanks for the callout on the consistency and for the outdated docs. I suspect the team was thinking of audioplayer as just one word, but it definitely is something we need to look at from a consistency standpoint.
For future reference, you can always look in the ‘.digest.verse’ files in your VSCode project for the definite list of stuff in your current build (sometimes the docs lag behind while we’re moving very fast in Alpha right now).
Verse.digest.verse will hold all the API that is truly global across all potential games/projects (like basic Math).
EpicGames.digest.verse will hold all the API that would be specific to how UnrealEngine does things (as opposed to some universal truth, like trigonometry)
Fortnite.digest.verse will hold all API that is specific to Fortnite itself (like ‘props’ and ‘devices’) if that helps you find things.
Ohhhh good tip, thanks! I keep forgetting about the digest.verse files. When I was using Core I was always referencing their API webpage so I’m still in that habit.
Makes sense about thinking of audioplayer as one word. Seems like it could be either. For me I assumed two words because that’s how the name of the device itself is written, in the Content Browser.
Will that break our existing experiences again and cause us to have to relink all our verse connections to the devices? If so, I need to warn our mechanics because that’s 800 connections resetting for our project that require manual relinking (re. to renaming audioplayer to audio_player).