Minor - CreateExport: Failed to load Outer for resource

Upon loading the project I am greeted with this in Message Log>Load Errors

Is this housekeeping we need to do on our end?

CreateExport: Failed to load Outer for resource ‘verse_0x3DA42836_DeviceAsset’: tracker_device /MyProject/MyProject.MyProject:PersistentLevel.VerseDevice_C_UAID_50EBF6B58218595A01_1428386923.P_Drop_Core_VS_0.verse_0x370F7FEA_G_T1_Tracker_Score
[11:22 AM]

Complete log attached
LoadErrors.txt (14.0 KB)

If you’re still getting this issue, could you send me the full log please?

Sorry for the late reply, yes we are still getting the errors.

Logs attached.
Cardin - UEFN Logs.zip (1.5 MB)