Sometimes box collision creates huge collision boxes that block the entire island:
Thanks for the report. Are there some specific steps we can follow to reproduce this on our end to investigate further? Is it possible it happens for certain assets and not others? Could be something about that particular asset which leads to the issue, either because there’s a problem with the asset, or there’s a problem with the editor’s processing of a valid asset.
I followed this guide: Epic Games
Assets that had the issue:
Wall3.uasset (28.5 KB)
Wall4.uasset (27.9 KB)
path_T-junction.uasset (31.7 KB)
FloorUpper.uasset (30.7 KB)
FloorLower.uasset (29.9 KB)
Hmm I’m not immediately seeing any crazy collision sizes. Both the static mesh editor and the player collision view mode (and visibility as well) show what I would expect. I just dropped those assets in a new project and removed existing collision and added the box simplified collision and did those other LOD settings in the documentation just in case. Is this the same way you’re testing?
I did notice the meshes were extremely small (the tooltip when you hover over them in the content browser is reporting some of their dimensions as “0” they are so small), so I had to scale them up by 1000 or so just to see them when I placed them in a normal level.
The issue happens if you don’t remove the collision, only set the box collision. The doc doesn’t mention removing collision, so I went straight into the box collision button and it caused the large collision box.
Oh ok, I cleared collision first, since it was a .uasset and I wasn’t sure what had happened to it after import, but you don’t happen to have the original FBX file do you? Just unsure if there’s something about the mesh as imported, or if it’s something that happened in the editor after it was imported, so I wanted to start from step one just in case.
I fixed the assets that had the issue, so I don’t have it right now. I could try to reproduce, but I am locked from editing that level because skydome crashes the project upon start. Will have to wait for the next build. The assets I added above (which caused the issues) had their LODs set as High Detail, not sure if that has to do.