Migration of materials from UE5 projects to UEFN

After migrating materials from a UE5 project to UEFN, I get an error.
I can fix the error by manually adding the appropriate textures, etc. to the error area.

Is there any way to migrate while retaining texture information, etc.?

Hey, which version of UE5 are you using ?

I don’t recall having problems when migrating from 5.1.
But it seems that some material nodes are missing from UEFN so maybe that’s what’s happening to you :person_shrugging:

@META.MYO Thank you for your report! We would like to look into this further, would you be able to submit a bug report using the form available here? Fortnite Creative

Thanks for the reply.
UE5.0 5.1 I get the same error in both.

Thanks for the reply.
UE5.0 5.1 I get the same error in both.

It’s hard to reconnect each material node one by one…

I sent you the report. :airplane:

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