I’ve just tried to migrate a whole set of blueprints over to a new project, with custom C++ code (which I have also moved over and compiled without issue) - when I load up the new project, I get a bunch of errors like so:
Error /Game/Blueprints/MyCharacter : Can’t find file for asset. /Script/OLD_PROJECT_NAME
Info Failed to load /Script/OLD_PROJECT_NAME.OLD_PROJECT_NAMECharacter Referenced by MyCharacter Property /Script/Engine.Blueprint:ParentClass
Thank you for citing this issue. I’ve attempted to reproduce this and have run into the same issue where I cannot re-parent the blueprint which has lost it’s parent and get the warning message stating the parent has been removed.
I’ve submitted a bug report for this to our developers to review and will get back to you with an update once its made available to me.
Yeah, I ran into those issues right away, Migrating is full of problems. Another similiar issue with this is just migrating
Art assets like the FPP and TPP mesh/skele without doing the Blueprints (from shootergame demo). Migrates
okay but when I added the FPP/TPP meshes to the Default PlayerPawn created in the skeleton project (C++)
it wouldnt animate. I had to complete recreate a pawn blueprint for the FPP/TPP player and then they animate.
Spent two days learning this the hard the way
That would fix both the above issues with migrating blueprints and basic assets
Altho a simplier fix would be nice. The assets being in a binary format do not
facilitate copying from one project to another well at the moment.
This is a question from the beta version of the engine. We are marking this answered for tracking purposes. If you are experiencing an issue similar to this please post a new question.