Migrating blueprints extending from C++ to new project "Cant find file for asset"

I’ve just tried to migrate a whole set of blueprints over to a new project, with custom C++ code (which I have also moved over and compiled without issue) - when I load up the new project, I get a bunch of errors like so:

Error /Game/Blueprints/MyCharacter : Can’t find file for asset. /Script/OLD_PROJECT_NAME
Info Failed to load /Script/OLD_PROJECT_NAME.OLD_PROJECT_NAMECharacter Referenced by MyCharacter Property /Script/Engine.Blueprint:ParentClass

Am I doing something wrong with the migration?


Hi Ineni,

Thank you for citing this issue. I’ve attempted to reproduce this and have run into the same issue where I cannot re-parent the blueprint which has lost it’s parent and get the warning message stating the parent has been removed.

I’ve submitted a bug report for this to our developers to review and will get back to you with an update once its made available to me.


I can’t say if it is proper behavior or not, buuuut:


What happens if you go the the blueprint

and reparent the blueprint to the C++ class that is listed as being available in your new project?

Hi ,

This was the first thing I tried to do, but I can’t even open the blueprint to reparent it! :frowning:


Yeah, I ran into those issues right away, Migrating is full of problems. Another similiar issue with this is just migrating
Art assets like the FPP and TPP mesh/skele without doing the Blueprints (from shootergame demo). Migrates
okay but when I added the FPP/TPP meshes to the Default PlayerPawn created in the skeleton project (C++)
it wouldnt animate. I had to complete recreate a pawn blueprint for the FPP/TPP player and then they animate.
Spent two days learning this the hard the way :slight_smile:


You can do a name redirect in your config file. I think it’s looking for the ShooterGame project and you have a different name.


Heres the log reports to give you an idea and this was just a few sound files:

[2014.03.28-01.16.25:704][ 0]LogLinker:Warning: Can’t find file ‘/Script/ShooterGame’
[2014.03.28-01.16.25:704][ 0]LogLinker:Warning: Can’t find file for asset ‘/Script/ShooterGame’ while loading …/…/…/…/…/EWProjects/EwFps/Content/Sounds/FoleyBodyMoves/Mono/Run_Loop_Cue.uasset.
[2014.03.28-01.16.25:704][ 0]LoadErrors:Error: Error /Game/Sounds/FoleyBodyMoves/Mono/Run_Loop_Cue : Can’t find file for asset. /Script/ShooterGame
[2014.03.28-01.16.25:714][ 0]LogLinker:Warning: Can’t find file ‘/Script/ShooterGame’
[2014.03.28-01.16.25:714][ 0]LogLinker:Warning: Can’t find file for asset ‘/Script/ShooterGame’ while loading …/…/…/…/…/EWProjects/EwFps/Content/Sounds/FoleyBodyMoves/Mono/Run_Loop_Cue.uasset.

As you can see it copied the assests with the hardcoded shootergame dir intact from the demo

That would fix both the above issues with migrating blueprints and basic assets
Altho a simplier fix would be nice. The assets being in a binary format do not
facilitate copying from one project to another well at the moment.

Oh goody, just found that in there already where it did that for the use of the
basic template:


I have the same problem when i trying to use fps character, where i can find cofing file to add this lines?

I have the same problem, can you help with a bit with this? :slight_smile:
I am trying to migrate Character from ShooterGame


This is a question from the beta version of the engine. We are marking this answered for tracking purposes. If you are experiencing an issue similar to this please post a new question.

Thank you.