Hi all,
cannot figure this out. I have a gun model that is in 3 sub-meshes (3ds Max Objects - not components): Body, Bullet and Trigger. The latter, Trigger, is not a traditional trigger, but a simple prism shape that is supposed to be a light beam used as a trigger (i.e. the player’s finger breaks the beam to fire).
Originally, I animated the firing mechanism in Max and included animating the visibility of the trigger beam. Only UE4 seems to ignore the visibility animation (which is a real pain). So I set up a parametrized material that I would animate in the Gun (Skeletal Mesh) blueprint. The aim being to create a MID (Material Instance Dynamic) in the construction graph, and timeline it on a custom event (e.g. “PullTrigger”) to fade in and out at the correct timings to match the fire animation.
Herein is the problem. I can see no way of getting the mesh component/sub-mesh for the trigger to apply the material to when created in the Construction Graph.
I know I could split the trigger into a static mesh and add it to the BP as a component instead, but this would be a pain as I would have to do a lot of reworking in 3ds Max (animations mostly). My other alternative is to do it in C++ (assuming I can split the mesh to components/sub-meshes in cpp).
Anyone got any idea how to do this in BP?