Hi! I’m troubleshooting micro jittering of my autonomous proxy in a listen-server setup
I was suggested to enable p.shownetcorrections
can someone take a look at the video and say if this is normal or if I am facing some issues?
I’m also getting a lot of these:
[2022.11.11-07.20.55:879][910]LogNetPlayerMovement: Warning: Client: Error for Khaimera_C_0 at Time=223.362 is 2.025 LocDiff(X=1.996 Y=0.342 Z=0.000) ClientLoc(X=-1080.883 Y=1476.642 Z=202.150) ServerLoc(X=-1082.880 Y=1476.300 Z=202.150) NewBase: MainMap1:PersistentLevel.Landscape1.LandscapeHeightfieldCollisionComponent_20 NewBone: None ClientVel(X=79.498 Y=13.608 Z=0.000) ServerVel(X=63.399 Y=10.850 Z=0.000) SavedMoves 3
[2022.11.11-07.20.56:010][915]LogNetPlayerMovement: Warning: Client: Error for Khaimera_C_0 at Time=223.465 is 2.000 LocDiff(X=1.972 Y=0.337 Z=0.000) ClientLoc(X=-1077.128 Y=1477.284 Z=202.150) ServerLoc(X=-1079.099 Y=1476.947 Z=202.150) NewBase: MainMap1:PersistentLevel.Landscape1.LandscapeHeightfieldCollisionComponent_20 NewBone: None ClientVel(X=41.373 Y=7.078 Z=0.000) ServerVel(X=21.563 Y=3.689 Z=0.000) SavedMoves 4
[2022.11.11-07.20.56:137][920]LogNetPlayerMovement: Warning: *** Client: Error for Khaimera_C_0 at Time=223.622 is 2.517 LocDiff(X=2.481 Y=0.425 Z=0.000) ClientLoc(X=-1076.296 Y=1477.427 Z=202.150) ServerLoc(X=-1078.777 Y=1477.002 Z=202.150) NewBase: MainMap1:PersistentLevel.Landscape1.LandscapeHeightfieldCollisionComponent_20 NewBone: None ClientVel(X=13.383 Y=2.292 Z=0.000) ServerVel(X=0.000 Y=0.000 Z=0.000) SavedMoves 3
Show your movement code/bp.
also, make sure your server is capped at a set tick rate. 30 or 60Hz. If it’s uncapped then you’ll get corrections because the servers fps fluctuates too greatly.
If launching from editor you can use t.maxfps 30 in console. When running a listen server you are the server.
Your FPS sitting at around 12-16 isn’t helping.
It’s solved. It was discrepancy between client and server CMC max walk speed setting. I was changing it on server hoping it would be automatically propagated to client, but you need to set it on client as well, otherwise this happens.
That’ll do it. Usually it’s a lot more noticeable, but the low fps hid it.
Anyway, yes Set your speeds locally and then call the server to do so.
Production wise you want the server to follow the same exact conditional logic flow as the client does when determining said speeds. This will greatly reduce mismatches and help prevent cheating.