MetaXR vs OpenXR

I’m working on a game that uses data from some sensors on the quest pro, someone said to me that to be able to access that info I need to use the MetaXR SDK, so I built the custum version of Unreal 5.4.4 that Meta recommends and started working. Someone also recommended me to only use either MetaXR or OpenXR, because it’s difficult to make them work togheter. The only problem is that I’m also coming from Unity and actually never really learned Unreal, and the only useful resources I’m finding online are centered on OpenXR (but still, from what I know I need to use MetaXR to access some data).

Should I use both SDKs? Is it good practice? What should I use OpenXR for? What should I use MetaXR for?

Hey @nakura97, welcome to the forums!

The MetaXR plugin is using OpenXR, and you can think of it as an extension of the core OpenXR plugin with more features specific to Meta’s devices. You are correct that some features on the Meta Quest Pro is only available with Meta’s fork of Unreal Engine (such as eye tracked foveation), but many of them can be used with the official branch of Unreal Engine and the MetaXR plugin.

I did a presentation a while back that might help explain some of the questions you’re having: Developing for OpenXR with UE5 | Unreal Fest 2023 | Talks and demos