MetaXR-Plugin and Unreal 5.2

Should i just skip the UE5.2 version or is Meta the problem. How is it possible to be able to build for Android when i dont have the metaXR-Plugin activated, but the second i activate it the build say that “UATHelper: Packaging (Android (ASTC)): Platform Android is not a valid platform to build. Check that the SDK is installed properly.
UATHelper: Packaging (Android (ASTC)): Took 0.39918830000000005s to run dotnet.exe, ExitCode=6
UATHelper: Packaging (Android (ASTC)): UnrealBuildTool failed. See log for more details. (C:\Users\User\AppData\Roaming\Unreal Engine\AutomationTool\Logs\E+User+Programes+UE5+UE_5.2\UBT-UE52Test-Android-Development.txt)
UATHelper: Packaging (Android (ASTC)): AutomationTool executed for 0h 0m 26s
UATHelper: Packaging (Android (ASTC)): AutomationTool exiting with ExitCode=6 (6)
UATHelper: Packaging (Android (ASTC)): BUILD FAILED
PackagingResults: Error: Unknown Error.”
and if deactivate it again it work the build, again, with the settings done. In UE5.1 and 5.3 building work with or without MetaXR-Plugin activated.