Metallic decals are transparent even with opacity=1

Deferred decals are going transparent when their material is using metallic>1.


  • Make a decal material using translucent as decal blend mode. Set it’s opacity=1 and metallic=1.
    Apply this material to a decal actor.
    ->See that it is more translucent than expected: you can clearly see through.
    With metallic = 0 it is perfectly opaque.
    See attached screenshots for reference. The metallic decal is in the top left corner.
    This bug makes it impossible to use metallic decals.

Hey Herve,

I ran a test on my end and the results I am getting are different than what you are reporting. I think the problem here is that you are adding too many extra variables to the material for testing.

Deferred Decals

Below is a screenshot of my material setup.

Deferred Decal Material

What you could be seeing is either the Screen Fade Size for the decal actor was increased, or your material just has some conflicting inputs which makes your decal appear translucent or render with unexpected results.

Thank you,

Hi Andrew. Thx for your answer.
So in the provided screenshot all 4 decals actors are copy of each other. for the first 2 the only parameter that changed was metallic. Both have blend mode translucent, both have all their parameters 100% identical. Just changing the metallic value makes the otherwise 100% opaque decal semi translucent.

Meanwhile team wanted to move to D buffer decals for other reasons.

Dbuffer decals look excellent but dbuffer blend mode have no option that includes mettalic.
Is their a plan to include metallic into Dbuffer blend modes ?

Hervé Vazeilles.

I have exactly the same problem with transparent metal decals. And I´m also missing the metal slot in dbuffer decals…

yep, same problem here with forward shading. would like to have metalic decals too.