Metal Shader Standard to Target: Metal 3 is missing

Hello, I’m running UE5.5 on Sequoia (just updated from Sonoma) with latest xcode update on m2max and can’t get nanite running although it is set on in project settings (sm6 also set to true).

My latest observation in that I don’t have Matal 3 available under Platforms / Mac / Metal Shader Standard to Target (although I do have it available under Platforms / iOS) - my available Metal options are v2.2, v2.3 and v2.4

At the same time, I see nanite & metal 3 in YouTube tutorial ( since at least UE5.3

So, what gives here? Is it that I must have at least m3 or am I doing something wrong?

Update: okay, somehow after upgrading sequoia to 15.1.1 my nanite rendering started working decently with known limitations (despite Metal 3 is still missing in target standard list)

Now I think this is probably something very specific to my software configuration

same here on m4 max.
i can not turn on megalights (error says missing hardware raytracing) what i expect is related to missing METAL 3+ renderer?!