Metal 1 = total black

Good day, the metal plate on the door looks like is always reflecting pure black:

  • Sphere reflection capture placed and built,
  • SkyLight Specified cubmap “EpicQuadPan…”
  • 8bit *.Png and *.Tga files tested
  • sRGB ticked off on the ARM Texture
  • Linear Color set on ARM Texture

Mesh on substance:



First person shooter template:

Metal Test in Material Editor:

RESOLVED, extremely noob loophole error here.

The Master Mat. I made has a wrong AO placeholder when a Subtance AO texture is not used/loaded in the relative Mat. Instance texture parameter:

  • This lead to the Material Instance of the walls around the door to be pitch black (AO=0); I had movable lighting so the Walls material looked fine in the viewport but still affecting the reflection on the metal plate!

  • I changed all the direct/indirect light to static, I baked it and actually fixed the problem of the metal plate, but the walls instantly showed up their AO=0 becoming black

  • Now I just have to find a correct AO texture placeholder and remove that embarassing _AO switch.

At least I learnt something and I didn’t rage quit.
Thanks endlessly and sorry for the false alarm MostHost LA
