Metahumans Legs are glitching Help

Hey all. I deployed a good few metahumans in my game.
And at some distance, their legs tend to either glitch or bend awkwardly. It only fixes when I get close to them. How can I fix this ?

(PS: Sorry for low quality due to ShareX)

Hey @Paradoxical95!

That looks like your animations are having problems with your Metahumanā€™s LODs. Does the same issue occur when you turn them off or adjust them?

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Hey !
Turn what off exactly?
And no, This doesnā€™t happen when the NPCs are standing still so maybe your point is aiming in the right direction. I havenā€™t turned anything else off.

I simply followed a tutorial to deploy Metahumans as characters. Downloading the MH, I assign their skeletons to the UE5 skeleton (for all parts of the MH)
Then, I simply go the desired MH_BP and copy BodyMesh+Legs+Torso+Feet+Face & LODSync and just paste it in NPC BP ā†’ then parent the Feet+Legs+Torso+Face to the BodyMesh, reset their transforms (Loc/Rot) and then in construction script simply use the ā€œSetMasterPoseComponentā€ node, hooking the BodyMesh as ā€˜NewMasterComponentā€™ and all other parts as ā€˜Targetā€™.
Then I simply set my new custom AnimBP to the BodyMesh and all is fine. (Note: Face has itā€™s own AnimBP and in my case, Feet+Torso+Legs donā€™t have any AnimBP)

The video I used for reference

Please do let me know if Iā€™m doing something wrong. I really need to fix this. !
Thanks for replying.

hi, this is due to the metahuman LOD settings using 8 LODs. You can force it to 1 lod (lod 0) and it will be fixed but will impact performance. select the LODSync component in the MetaHuman blueprint, under details change NumLODs from 8 to 1 and Forced LOD to 0. This should solve your issue.

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I did that and it hasnā€™t fixed anything. From a distance, the legs still glitch out.

Any other solution?

Baffled, had an identical issue and the lod change helped me. iā€™ll try to reproduce it, maybe then i understand it better. what version of unreal are you using?

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Thanks !
And surely let me know if you encounter the same. Iā€™m using 5.0.3

hi, canā€™t reproduce it, sorry. to check if it is related to retargeting you could try another approach. i use Jobutsus tutorials (90) Jobutsu - YouTube

Iā€™m not retargeting directly. I just re-assign skeleton of all parts, to UE5 Skeleton and use the default Anims (MM_Idle or MM_WalkFwd etc) and even use the same Blendspaces provided by Epic/ThirdPersonTemplate.
So I cannot understand why it is for retargeting when they both are essentially on same skeleton?

I have same problem in my project besides i didnā€™t retarget any animation iā€™m using all animations from City Crowd project and Skeletons are original also.
The only thing that partially solves problem is to set LodSync component Face to Passive but thatā€™s leads to another problems like shoulders showing through body in walking state.
@Paradoxical95 Did you found any solution?

Same problem here! I did force the lods and nothing change. Weird enough it only appears like the legs bend when im far away. Did you guys found a solution?

Update, if you set your view distance to far in engine scalabilty settings it should fix it. Good luck developers !!

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It looks to me that the Top and Bottom Skeletal Mesh Component are probably slaved to the Body, meaning the Body owns the BoneCache and is the Leader, and the Top and Bottom are Slaves sharing the same bone cache. It is very important that all three of these Mesh Components change LODs at the exact same time. The Body Skeletal Mesh probably removes bones at each LOD, The Top and Bottom Mesh ā€œprobablyā€ do the same bone reduction as the Body, but if the Body changes LODs to a more crude LOD and the Top and Bottom mesh donā€™t change at the same time, there will be verts skinned to non existent bones since the Body owns the bones for all the Slaves. This is why it is critical that these Slave meshes change LODs at the exact same time as the Master/Leader. You can use a LODSync component to do this or you can set a property on the Top and Bottom Mesh Component to use the LOD of the LeaderPoseComponent which in your case is probably the body. An easy way to prove this is change the view mode to LODColoration:
ConsoleCommand: viewmode LODColoration. Viewport Modes In Unreal Engine | Unreal Engine 5.3 Documentation | Epic Developer Community. If the Top and Bottom meshes donā€™t change at the same time as the arms then most likely this is what you are seeing.

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Sorry for the late reply.

Yes. the Torso/Legs/Feet are all slaved to the body. This is the construction script and on the right you can see the values for LODSync Component.

How exactly can I force the use of Leader LOD ?