METAHUMANS BROKEN!!! Head NO LONGER attaching to body in 5.3.2 (BUT WORKED IN 5.3.1) HELP!!

I’m trying to connect the body and the head but the head stays floating. I have tried the methods BELOW.

MIND you all of this worked in previous versions of UNREAL ENGINE. The latest version NOTHING WORKS

  1. Changed Head Blend Mode in Layered Blend Per Bone (MH Face Blueprint)
  2. Followed Bad Decisions Studios video on “Metahuman Animator Tutorial”
  3. Unreal Apprentice video on “Head Reattachment”
  4. JSFILMZ “Metahuman Animator Floating Head Fix Part 2”
  5. Changing Metahuman BODY/HEAD Animation Mode from Custom Mode to Use Animation Blueprint and Use Animation Asset
  6. Disabled Post Process Blueprint > Toggled on and off. Also restarted my unreal project after each change to see if the head would stay on the head in the sequencer

I did have a successful body and head attached with custom body/facial animation prior to the 5.3.2 update. I was wondering if there is a bug or a toggle that is different in this new Unreal Engine version.

IF ANYONE has a work around or SOLUTION please let me know!


I think the issue is why watch #2 when they just copied #4 og mha tutorial. Youre mixing methods man just go with the source vs the copycats imo

Hey JS! thanks so much for the reply. I’m actually not mixing methods. This is just a list of all the methods I’ve tried including yours. We were successful in previous versions and it worked awesome in 5.3.1. Now we are having trouble because we are losing the full fidelity of the facial animation. We have been racking our brains for weeks for a solution ever since the newest release. Just curious if your using the latest version? Also we are not the only ones experiencing this, there have been work around videos posted on You tube about this issue. And they hacks that don’t really work. See below

If we follow the bad decision STUDIO method. - The head is now completely flipped in the opposite direction.

If we follow your Method - we lose 50% of the animation on the face but we do get the body and face working together. Just not the FULL fidelity of expression.

Have you changed anything in your process for the latest release of UNREAL?

I want to reiterate that we have successfully combined both in the past in 5.3.1 and it worked perfectly! Not sure what happened with the latest release.

If anyone has any insight please HELP this has set us back in the middle of a project.
its very annoying.


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Here’s some check list for you to follow:

  1. Face in MH BP should use “Face Animation BP”. “Copy Pose From Mesh” should be set as main Base Pose. “Blend Mode” in “Layered Blend” should be set to “Blend Mask”.

  1. Open you MH skeleton > Skeleton Tree > Gear Button > Blend Profiles > Add Blend Mask > Name your Mask > Set everything from “neck_01” to 1 (select neck_01 set it to 1 > “Right Click” on it > click “Recursively Set Blend Scales To 1”) > Go back to your “Layered Blend” > Set “Blend Mask” array to YourMask

  2. “Copy Pose From Mesh” setting in category “Copy|UseAttachedParent” should be set to True. “Layered Blend” setting in category “Config|CurveBlendOption” - Override.



  1. Your MH_Face should be attached to your MH_Body in MH BP

  2. If you’re using custom body skeletal mesh, it should be using the same armature as the original m_body

  3. If everything seems right, also try to create blend mask for your body and set everything to 1, but the “neck_01” bone and its child bones. Also set your “Blend Mask” in “Layered Blend” in your “Body Animation BP”

If this happens to freshly imported MH without any adjustments, especially like adding new layer to “Layered Blend”, or changing the body, or playing body animations via sequencer - I would love to see your MH BP and Animations BP

P.S. - sometimes in editor with opened sequencer head might appear detached, closing sequencer or\and reopening map might help.

P.S.S - watching sequence played in-game WITH opened sequencer somehow lowers the intensity of facial animation, closing sequencer shows facial animation in full range.

Looking forward to your questions…

I found this post as I have been struggling with the exact same issue in 5.4 and your reply finally solved this for me. Specifically, adding the layered blend mask to the body as well as the head is what got it finally working for me! So thanks! Now I just need to figure out why UE5 crashes every time i compile my face abp :sweat_smile:

It seems to be back to normal.
Error code 1 is no longer displayed.
Thanks for fixing it!

Hi, thanks for your tips, I finally managed to get the neck rotation working with the metahuman animator take on my sequencer.

I need help at step 6 because now the body and head are attached but body isn’t getting the animations from Sequencer.

When I select the body of my MH in the sequencer, the Anim Class shows: LiveLinkInstance (my retargeted Idle animation was working before with this), where can I find the Body Animation BP to set the blend masks to it?

Thanks in advance.