April 11, 2024, 6:59pm
I have Lumen raytracing on, and everything is reflecting properly except for my Metahuman. He’s just fully black.
However, when I use Path Tracing, the reflections work just fine.
Has anyone ran into this and found a solution?
Thank you in advance!
What does your post-processing look like? There are many different lumen settings that could lead to that appearance, besides lumen being enabled or not. What does your lumen scene look like?
Did you get a solution for this?
January 26, 2025, 7:00pm
Do you have ‘enable hit lighting for reflections’ on?
Surface cache can’t handle skinned objects.
Were you able to solve it? I have the same problem
February 6, 2025, 8:19pm
Did this not work for you?
Problem solved, when I read it last time I thought I had it activated and it was another option. Thanks
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