Metahuman Hair Issues on Mac

Hello, I’ve been struggling with this a bit the last day and a half. Made a Metahuman character for a potential video project and I can’t seem to get it to look right in Unreal. Specifically issues around the hair. He has hair, beard, mustache, eyelashes set in the Metahuman Creator but some have not been working when I imported them.

Changing the beard, mustache, and eyebrows updating got the new ones to show up but the eyelashes are still nowhere. And then there’s issues with all the hair just showing the skin under (see the screenshot).

Thought it might be the level I setup. I understand emissive light sources can cause problem for the Metahuman hair so I tried removing all of the emissive lights in the scene. Still a problem.

Tried what I found in searching of forcing LOD 0 with a console command. Tried the trick to change Forced LOD in the BluePrint to 1. Also tried 0. No luck with any of that. Tried scaling the hair elements, which was a trick I found. No luck with that either.

Tried deleting the whole Metahuman folder in the project and redownloading and adding. Didn’t really help.

Downloaded the Metahuman Sample Project and the default Metahumans in that didn’t have issues with the eyebrows it seemed so I changed mine to match the ones on Taro. Hair still doesn’t look quite right on them.

Tried to add the preset Metahuman Taro Metahuman from the Sample Project and that one is also not looking quite right.

Tried starting a new third person game project to see if it was my project. No luck. Screenshot below is from the third person game project. Still have that weirdness with the hair. Tried turning off everything but the directional light just in case there was something emissive I

I feel like I’m missing a step or a setting or something here. Maybe something isn’t downloading right. Any ideas out there?

I’m on an M2 Max MacStudio with 96GB memory, macOS Sonoma 14.3.1, Metal 3, and using Unreal 5.3.2.

Having the same issues, on M2 Pro.

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Just chiming in to report that i have similar issues on an M3 Max, expect they come in without eyebrows, and only basic beards. Eyebrows reappear when I force to LOD 2 & above, but then that defeats the point of using Metahuman.

Also, the Sample Project works just fine, as it did for you. Figured it might’ve been a settings issue, but when I import other Metahumans into that project, they still have the weird hair issue.

Have tried pretty much every suggested fix I can find, and nothing works.


Yeah my character’s hair is insane and creepy. Anyone found a fix yet?

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I’m having a similar issue. With all the metahumans that I’ve tested, the hair goes wonky when I add them to a level sequencer. I’m on a Mac M2 Max. This even happens in the Metahumans Demo project as well. No clue how to fix.


Turning of RBF Interpolation in the hair groom asset seems to fix the problem. Not sure what RBF Interpolation is or if it will cause issues somewhere else down the line. But so far so good.


Unchecking RBF Interpolation on the grooming asset worked for me too. I found the option under the “Hair Interpolation” heading in 5.4.4. Thanks for sharing.


Hey! How did you make it possible to use Metahuman on your mac as the plugin isn’t working on Mac?

Hello, you don’t need the Metahuman plugin that’s on Fab to add Metahumans on Mac. At least you didn’t through 5.4 (currently trying to figure out how I can add them in the 5.5 preview to test this out, but that’s another issue*). The Metahumans plugin gives you other functionality with the Metahumans. But up through 5.4 you were able to add them from Quixel Bridge. There are some other plugins it will want to activate once you add it to the project but those are built in and should work.

*Edit to Add: Figured this out. It’s because I hadn’t installed the Quixel Bridge plugin to 5.5 Preview. Oops. I think with the migration I just expected the Metahumans were moving there too. Anyway, that’s what you need to add them to your project on Mac.

You are a hero!!