Metahuman hair incorrectly working inside of render targets


Brief description of what I am doing and why I need things to be the way they are right now:

I need to be able to stream multiple characters using Pixel Streaming. This basically (from my research) has to be done using render targets. If we put aside the fact that render targets don’t appreciate the lighting in the scene, this part of the project is working. I have several Metahuman characters inside of my level, each one has it’s own Capture Component and a Render Target, and I am able to stream them all. (If it matters, all the characters are the same, they don’t respond to user input because there is no need for that, and my GPU doesn’t like rendering all this stuff)

The problem arises when I build the project and try out Pixel Streaming. I can access each of the Metahuman’s stream perfectly fine and they look OK (as good as I can make a render target texture look realistic). Everything looks OK on them, except for the hair. I know this is a Render Target specific problem because the default streamer (the one that I can see when I play the game) doesn’t have the same problem. And the problem is the fact that hair is “lagging” behind the body. What I mean by that is that hair does move, but as the head is moving left and right (quickly, I must add), the hair also does that, but at some moments I can see it inside of head, or when head is moving up and down, I can see it unnaturally jumping. These are not small jumps and small lags, it’s visible and distracting, and has to be fixed. (Pixel Streaming part of this is basically irrelevant, I am just mentioning it to explain why I am doing this. The main thing is the fact that I am using Render Targets to render Metahuman characters)

But I have no idea how to fix it. I’ve messed with settings of everything, tried changing a lot of stuff in the groom, hair, tried using cards, tried Render Target and Capture Component settings, but nothing fixed the issue. So I am asking for any ideas as to what might be causing this, and how could I possibly fix it? Any help would be greatly appreciated, because I’ve become hopeless. Thanks in advance!