MetaHuman Hair explosion still an issue in with cinematic cameras

Hi all,

The below image is when the player character enters a conversation with an NPC. This trigger uses cinematic cameras that exist in the world, they aren’t spawned and not created via the sequencer. Any ideas why this happens with the hair/solutions?

The below link almost got there but expired before a real solution was provided as I’ve tried the suggested and it didn’t work.

What it is suppose to look like
Screenshot 2024-09-29 212057

what it looks like the moment the camera is switched to from the player

Doing some more testing today and it is working, although I’m not entirely sure why. The last thing I tested was the scene capture settings on the hair itself(which I just enabled, tested, disabled again) I also dropped in a Cinematic Camera and regular camera and switched to them in a different location to see if I could replicate the issue which I couldn’t.

I’ve been able to replicate this in the editor, opened the hair mesh of another MetaHuman and enabled ‘Force Visible’

The issue is when you want to SET VISIBILITY. If you hide it to begin with and then show it later on during a camera scene it will do this crazy stuff above.

Trying to use scene capture only also does not work…

Okay finally got it working properly with the following…

Set Mesh/Body, Feet, Legs, Torso, Face all to disable ‘Visible’
MAKE SURE ‘Propagate to Children’ is turned off, this is where the Ronald McDonald hair issue is coming from.

Discovered something else that might be helpful for others too.

LODSync in the MetaHuman you imported resolves any flashing or glitching hair issues.

  1. Open MetaHuman and copy the LODSync component.

  2. Paste it to your player character (where you would be using your MetaHuman assets, Torso, Legs, Feet, Face etc).

  3. Change the ‘Forced LOD’ on the LODSync to 0 or higher if you want lower quality, 0 is highest.

  4. Make sure the Components to Sync match the text you have for your MetaHuman assets like Torso, Face, Feet, Hair, Beard etc otherwise it won’t know what to set the LOD level on. (make sure the hair component names on the face match up to what the Components to Sync says or vis versa, they must match.

Video demonstration


If hair is bouncing in the face of your player during play but you don’t want to hide the head/hair so you can still see accurate shadows of the head and hair being cast, disable simulation on the hair NOT on the asset itself if you want to be able to reenable hair bouncing/physics during scenes again via BP

To enable/disable via BP do this…
