Metahuman from Epic Launcher failing to Open in Unreal 5.2

I’m encountering an Issue with Loading the Metahuman Plugin in 5.2.1 that is telling me to Build from Source instead… Which is not a problem if so, but just wanted to make sure that the Install from the Epic Launcher should be compatible with the Unreal 5.2.1 downloaded from the Epic Launcher?

Could you double check that you have the MetaHuman plugin updated to the latest version. It seems you still have the previous version with only Mesh to MetaHuman and not the new one with MetaHuman Animator

Yeah I guess that’s what I’m trying to figure out. I installed it to 5.2 from the Epic Launcher, so I would assume that means it was the 5.2 version of Metahuman

I was able to get it working, but I had to manually go in and Nuke The Metahuman Folder from the Plugins folder, and then Install again from the Epic Launcher.

It is supposed to be the 5.2 version like you said, but glad you got it working in the end