MetaHuman Face Rig can’t select multiple Controls


In UE 5.0 i can select multiple controls of the FaceRig via box selection and edit them at the same time (switch between World/Object mode etc.) In 5.4 I now have the problem, that if i want to select more than one controller, the whole FaceRig gets highlighted and I cant move more than one Controller at once. Anyone knows why?
PS: If I select multiple Controls via Shift, it works, but it takes much longer and it is also very hard to aim for the smaller controls, without selecting the wohle rig by accident. And objectmode editing still does not work that way.

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What Type of Bug are you experiencing?


Steps to Reproduce

Open Metahuman in Sequencer > Open Face Rig UI > Select multiple face controls via boxselect

Expected Result

Move multiple Controls in Object mode, for example open the whole mouth at once

Observed Result

The rig gets selected, the Controls dont move as they do in UE 5.0


UE 5.4