I have two renders: one showing the character head, and another, a closeup of the mouth. At the closeup, is possible to see texture lip details, but showing the head, these detailes seemed to be lose. Is there some relationship between distance and details? If yes, is it possible to disable it?
by the way I have a problem with Metahumans face details
I downloaded "Realistic Rendering " project from UE marketplace and imported my MetaHuman. BUT when I zoom in or out , lips and eyebrows of metahuman change!!!(both in viewport and video capture)
photo number 1 is how my metahuman has to be (intermediate distance)
photo number 2 is when I zoom in(lips change, looks like it has lipstick!)
photo number 3 is when I zoom out(eyebrows become thicker)
I have tried these:
deleting metahuman and re import it.
deleting project and recreate it
converting the project to UE5 and import metahuman.
deleting DDC(derived data cache) and compile Shaders again.
import the files of this metahuman from another project.
I enabled all missing plugins and project settings.
changing the location of metahuman
in one other project I don’t have this problem
@Araz_rajabi You have to set up LOD to keep always the highest quality. Double clique the Metahuman BP. Search for LODSync and change the Forced LOD value from -1 to 0.
Don´t forget to hit Compile after that.