MeshActors disappear with Anti-Aliasing

Hi there!

I’m new to UE5.3. Working on MacOS. I have several birds (skeletal mesh) animated along splines in Sequencer. With Anti-Aliasing turned on in the Render Queue Settings all but one bird disappear when rendering out. With AA turned off all birds are there.

Can anybody help me out here? I need AA … (;

Thank you so much.

Found the problem: in Render Queue Settings when the Temporal Sample Count is higher then 1 the birds disappear – so it’s too much motion blur i guess for my animation. With Spatial Sample Counts it’s no prolem.

Help please, i need higher temporal sample count, otherwise the quality isnt good enough, but it makes almost all of my assets disappear in the render :frowning:

How can i keep my assets visible while having high sample count ?

any solution to this?

Temporal Samples tick the engine forward into subframes to create motion blur. If things are disappearing I would disable the frame lock in sequencer and check your subframes outside of MRQ to make sure things are not actually disappearing in subframes in the editor.