Mesh using floor texture

Hi everyone, Guaiamu here.
Guys, i would like to ask you a help about a attack i’m creating for my character.
He can create a rock from the ground and throw on the enemies. But i would like to create a cool effect on it:
The upper part of the rock will have the texture of the floor where he’s standing. Something like: He created a rock using the ground from the place where he is. I made a sketch of it:

You guys know a way i can do that using blueprints?

I do remember a few particle effects of rocks in the market for free, check there I think I remember something like that there but I doubt that because its a little bit complex what you want to do.

You might be able to use destructible meshes. Check out here. Another option would be to make or use a pre made rock mesh, then make a material for it that has the proper mapping. That might take some reading up on texture mapping, etc.

Hi DDemon! Thanks! I will look on it!

Hi kori.dacosta! Thank you, It looks like this guy did it and what i want is something similar, with your hints i can look for something, thanks again!

What @kori.dacosta said is probably closer to what you need. It does not need to be destructible at all (but it can, of course). It does not even require that advanced of a setup. In UE4 static meshes have material slots - each happy to display a different material.

Not sure how this is achieved in other 3d modelling software, but in 3ds Max you can assign IDs to each poly (and optionally name them). FBX exporters preserve those.

When you hit the ground (with a trace) you can sample its material and apply it to the relevant top ID of the extracted rock. There’s a bunch of nodes that help with that:


I once posted (years ago) a step-by-step for this here on AH but can’t find it. :expressionless:

Hi Everynone! Oh thank you so much for your response and the images i think we’re getting there \o/!
I can model the rock in 3ds max and make the place i want to be the “ground texture” as a separated material^^
You know if there’s a function i can make the trace load the ground’s material?

Untested but should (fingers crossed) work:

You may want to add a couple of things to this, for example ensure that we hit ground only; you do not want to accidentally hit someone’s face with this - it just extracts the texture from whatever it hits and puts it on the target mesh.

You’re so awesome! I will test when i get in home! \o/

