Mesh Tool - A Mesh Editor

Could this be used like PhysX Labs, where you can take a mesh and chop it up in parts and then keep it together and use as a destructible mesh?

is 1.13 coming anytime soon?

Is the 1.1.3 update coming anytime soon??

I bought it and I really loved it thank you for it , Also I want to ask what about LODs ? would you please do it soon ?

Is there a way to sharpen edges like blender because after recompute normal some parts become smooth so I want to sharp them again ?

I have a problem, When I delete part of a mesh the materials change on the other parts ?

Can we see an improvement in vertex mode in a future update? Its very tedious to click on the vertices. Increasing vertex size, selected vertex size, and display backface vertex doesn’t actually make them easier to select, just easier to see. You still have to try and click the center of the dot and maneuver around to the face side to click the vertex (especially if it became un-welded and split). Unlike Zbrush, it is a pain on large objects since it is in UE4. Being a vertex only mode, can’t this be fixed?

I have also discovered a bug. When upside down facing towards the sky, if you try and snap vertices, it will snap to the farthest one on the screen instead of the closest.

At least this has been the case for me.

Also, once you have made a cylinder with the center cut out (basically a circular wall), is there a way to expand all the inner walls in Face Mode outwards after just selecting the inner faces, aside from using the UE4’s “Select and scale objects function” (top right screen)? Using that method will make the top and bottom faces slanted and makes the workflow more tedious.

Thanks in advance, and sorry if I’m missing anything.

A quick, but probably dumb question ( as I’m only getting started here ). It seems to me that whenever I edit almost any point / area, the texture tiles in some weird way, rather than just stretching with the shape. A before and after shown here…

That’s because you’ve got Auto UV on, which is set in Object Mode :smiley:

Thanks for answering. I don’t think I have it on - see image:

Any ideas?



Ah - just sussed it! - I didn’t realise I could ‘unclick’ that ‘Planar’ button, DOH! - thanks man :smiley:

No problem :smiley:

I drag 2 static meshes onto the scene and then put one inside the other and I get an error: “Can’t Boolean, Boolean failed!” Is there something special you have to do to get the Boolean to work?

PS: I have tried a lot of different ways but always get the error message. I am on ver 4.19

I followed this video but the boolean does not work on anything, that was one of the main reasons I purchased this tool.…&index=49&t=0s

What is interesting is that union is working but Boolean does not work.

Also like to add that this tool is soooo amazing, thank you, it has saved me so much time.

One last thing, you have found your calling making these tools. you should make a tool called “Collision Tool” , it could take copy the complex collision and simplify it and then create a Simple Collision. Now that would be an amazing time saver right up there with your other tools!. There is no collision tool for Unreal Engine, there is the build in one but that one takes forever to make any collision other than a simple box.

I wonder if something happened to @ since his(her?) Twitter has been quiet for months and last login on the forums was about a month ago.

I think he said something about being pretty busy? I might be thinking of something else. Hope all is well with you @! We all love ya work.

Hope he is well also. One time I sent him an e-mail and then a couple months later he answered and said that he was busy. His tools are amazing.

Hi, sorry for been silence lately. I’ve got some unexpected health problem which led to unexpected hospital stay. I’m discharged now and good as new (as I been told), will try catch up and address all questions/issues in next coming days.