Mesh Tool - A Mesh Editor

The Grid option has been move to Draw Polygon window:

Thanks for the “dot loop”, “dot ring” image, and you are right, Mesh Tool currently is quite limited in terms of features set comparing to 3ds max. There’s still a long way go. And I’ll investigating the features you mentioned.

I’m travelling from today to 5 Feb, and I intend to start marking more video tutorials after I’m back.

Hello ,
I am sending a link of modifier of 3ds max if you are able to apply all of it into you mesh tool you will be king of Unreal engine 4 it is not only appreciation I mean it.

hello ,
when I am selecting edge and applying insert loop my unral engine 4.16.3 crash you advised me to weld allow vertices I weld it is but not working I am facing same problem please help me

Is there a list of all hotkeys for mesh tool? I can’t seem to find any documentation on hotkeys.

Found the hotkeys, I could have sworn there was a way to see edge length, was it removed or is the option hidden?

Is the Fill Hole Option coming with the Bevel tool, Any ETA on this update?

Hi, is it possible to use this in runtime? For example, to adjust meshes clothes to a body etc …

This mesh tool looks great, thanks for sharing it.
Got a question, is it somehow possible to turn it into a grid-based mesh creation tool? Something familiar to portal2 level editor, but not over-complicated, just geometry editing. Here is some demo video, you can check it to get the idea:

Hi, very nice Tool Thx! But i can’t find the soft transform button.

i am new to the unreal engine … is there any other way or another tool for soft transform or soft selection?

I would love a selection option to select by matching surface normal direction, within n tolerance. So I could select a wall and then press this button to select every other wall, etc.

@JoeWintergreen There is a coplanar selection with c ( not sure if you can configure tolerance)

Yeah - I’m talking about, mesh-wide, check every face for if the specified component of its normal matches that of the selected surface within a tolerance. E.g select every face that’s facing directly up give or take a few degrees.

When is the Bevel tool coming?? @

Hey there @ ,

I purchased your plugin and after I installed my log says this to me:

LogConsoleManager: Warning: Console object named 'sm.DerivedDataTimings' already exists but is being registered again, but we weren't expected it to be! (FConsoleManager::AddConsoleObject)
LogWindows: Failed to load '../../../Engine/Plugins/Marketplace/MeshTool/Binaries/ThirdParty/wincork.dll' (GetLastError=126)
LogWindows: File '../../../Engine/Plugins/Marketplace/MeshTool/Binaries/ThirdParty/wincork.dll' does not exist

Any suggestions to erase these ugly lines from my log? :rolleyes:

How i can use the Mesh Tool in the Robo Recall SDK?

Guess shoulda put it behind an age gate.

Cleaned up inflammatory posts.

Guys - if you have an issue with the tool, contact the author directly rather than slurring the forum. I’m sure they’d be happy to help!

(I don’t use it personally, but I think it’s awesome.)

@JimPhoenix to get rid of those 2 lines of warning for now, you can copy 2 dlls from

“YOUR_ENGINE_VERSION\Engine\Plugins\Marketplace\MeshTool\Source\ThirdParty\Deploy” to

“YOUR_ENGINE_VERSION\Engine\Plugins\Marketplace\MeshTool\Binaries\ThirdParty” folder. ( you might need to create ThirdParty folder if not exist)

I’ll include proper fix in next update.

@TheJamsh Thanks! Was trying to reply the post but not been able to log in to the forum due to the new 2-factor sign in system.

@mapicted I’ll download Robo Recall to check out how plugins works with it’s SDK. Will update you when I got result.

Soft transform is a feature I was experimenting and it’s not been exposed in UI yet.

@mrkgmr Mesh Tool don’t support runtime editing, it’s editor only for now.

[USER=“463317”]Peter Shoferistov[/USER] Thanks a lot for the Portal 2 link, it’s inspiring.

When “Select Coplannar Faces Adjacent Only” option is unchecked, press C key will select all faces on the same plane even they’re not connected. (Base on the Threshold/Tolerance)

But it’s not exactly do what you described ( select faces base on normal ), could be an interesting selecting feature to add.

Thanks @, it did the trick for those two ugly dll load / missing fails, but this yellow warning line is still there:

LogConsoleManager: Warning: Console object named 'sm.DerivedDataTimings' already exists but is being registered again, but we weren't expected it to be! (FConsoleManager::AddConsoleObject)

If I turn off Mesh Tool it’s gone (and never saw that warning type before), so I suppose that’s relevant and it was caused by the plugin. Any suggestions or tipps? :rolleyes: