Mesh Tool - A Mesh Editor

This is sweet! Any way to preserve the border edges when you subdiv?

You can select the edges, set Selected Edges’ Crease to 1 before subdiv.

Or, you can try add additional edges to “protect” the border.

Hi Azmath, the current marketplace version is missing thridparty dlls which required for Mesh Boolean operation, I’m pushing a hot-fix version to marketplace now to fix that.

Hey is Beveling coming anytime soon, because all of my meshes have flat corners and it doesn’t look very good, nothing has a completely flat corner in real life either

Hmm, I tried that with no result. I’ll have another go!

I’d love an option in the Mesh Boolean function to specify a material to apply to any faces that get created by the boolean - e.g. a tiling rough-concrete material for when you’re cutting destroyed bits out of a building.

One thing that there’s no good way to do right now, as far as I can see, is flowing the texture mapping of one tri to another when they’re not contiguous, like you can do in Hammer or Unity’s Probuilder. E.g, in the linked image, the highlighted triangle won’t “match face texture map” to any of the tris below or above the window. Match Quad Texture Map does something, but it’s not correct (it’s the stretched-and-rotated result you see in the picture). It would also be great to be able to do that from one mesh to another.

Also, any way to specify the number of faces you get when you insert a plane/cube/cone/cylinder etc?
You’ll probably start hearing more from me, I’m adopting this as my Main Geo Thing for my main project :stuck_out_tongue:

Also, an auto-weld option would be real nice when moving verts around!

Also I’d love it if there was a button alongside the “duplicate and continue editing” etc, that was “merge the selected staticmeshactors into one new mesh asset and continue editing that”.

Also, I think we already talked about it so maybe there’s a way and I’ve forgotten, but could clicking on a mesh other than the one you’re editing switch to that mesh?

Also, could there be an option to let Vertex Snap include verts on meshes other than the one you’re editing?

Also, the hotkey for Object Mode being 0 makes it hard to hit, could it be 5 so it’s all the modes just numbered in order?


Hello sir,
when you are planning to add dot loop, dot ring, bend tool, champer?

Hey @ I am getting that selection problem again where I cant see what I am selecting

Also, @ I am getting little gaps in my meshes, How do I fix this?

Have you try the “Face Selected Color Foreground Fix”?

Yes and it didn’t fix anything, the only way I can fix it right now is to restart the engine

Haven’t touch flow/match texture map part of code since first implementation, will put more effort to it after 1.1.1 update.

Will consolidate Create Mesh and Insert Primitives into one tool which enable more options for creating/inserting procedure primitives.

Will be in 1.1.1

Will investigate this feature. Thanks for suggesting.

It’s under Select Options:

In my todo list.

Will be in 1.1.1.

Is it possible that you entered Game Mode accidentally by pressed “G” key? The vert/edge/faces selection display is disabled in Game Mode.

Hi @jojo8026 I can’t really see where’s the gap from the picture. Is it where the red arrow pointing to?

Is the gap appeared after some specific operation? I usually use Vertex Snap (Hold V key) + Weld Vertices to close gap between faces.

Is there a way to do that automatically and the gap is here :slight_smile:

Chamfer/Bevel will be my next focus. I haven’t think about Bend tool specifically yet, but I do have plan to add more high level mesh deforming tools (though not high priority for now).

What is “dot loop” and “dot ring”? Do you mean select edge loops / rings?

Now I see the gap :slight_smile: I’ll see if I can add an auto Fill Hole option in the Mesh Cleanup tool.

Image one is New version and image two is old version I am unable to find grid option in newer version which is highlighted please help me? dot ring and dot loop is been shown in image 3 and 4 when are planning? can you provide me advance tutorial basically I am habituated working with 3ds max they have advance option but I want complete my project only in unreal engine 4 using your plugin I have seen your plugin as limited options if have to create machine gun, out fencing, helicopters etc how can I create them please help?

Thanks , you’re the best!