Mesh Tool - A Mesh Editor

Anyone know how to update mesh pivot to center of mesh?

We need some bevel!

And booleans

Came back to this tool after a while of Zbrush only character modeling. It would be nice to have a help icon next to each function instead of having to go back and forth to the tutorials.

One thing I really hate is that I tend to accidentally press [Ctrl+S] instead of [Ctrl+Z] a lot. This results in me not being able to undo the last action and restarting the engine without saving. It would be nice if the key action was changed and not so close to [Z] or disabled since there is already a save asset button clearly visible on the Mesh Tool window.

The Engine also has trouble saving the mesh asset when vertices aren’t snapped which I had to figure out. The cause is "Insert Edge Loop. As I recall, it wasn’t like this last time I used it. I select the edges via the [shift] key which is normal, then the inserted the edge loop doesn’t go all the way around. I have to select the edges two at a time, because it doesn’t work if I select more than two edges. That results in me having to go around and doing it four times with a box, and takes up a lot of extra time. This wasn’t an issue last time I used it.

Needs new features like a box to tick in order to enable/disable something like “edge loop complete,” “Delete edge loop complete,” and “select edge loop complete” in the same area as “insert ege loop.” It got annoying and just need to bring the mesh into Zbrush 4R8 for further editing. after just getting the base shape dimensions right in UE4.

Is this a known issue with the latest version, or am I doing something wrong? It’s been a while.

So I brought the mesh into Zbrush and is uneditable. It comes into Zbrush fine, but having difficulty editing it. I’ve encountered this issue before with some free low poly character models as well.

Each poly identifies itself as a separate mesh as if they aren’t welded together, which I did in your tool editor before exporting as an OBJ. I can tell because in Zbrush welding point causes some polygons to disappear, Zremeshing to get quads encounters an error, and auto poly grouping in Zbrush. If the mesh was truly welded together and not just for editing in your tool only, then the mesh would only be one color after auto grouping. As shown in the image, it is not.

I’m sorry, but I can’t recommend this to anyone who plans to, and will need to edit the meshes made with this tool in another software. I will need to refrain myself from using your tool until there is a fix or solution to make it usable outside of UE4. It’s not completely uneditable after welding point in Zbrush, then using the [close holes] function, but still can’t have stuff disappearing. I managed to fix it after jumping through hoop and re-exporting and importing it twice. However, Zbrush crashed once during the process.

I love the idea of your tool and hope it does well, these issues get resolved, as well as continue to get updated. But as it is, usability outside of UE4 is a major issue. All snapped vertices should be considered one true single mesh (one color), and hopefully an export as quads option would be nice. Pixologic offers a free fully featured 45-day trial of Zbrush for testing. I also have no issues with meshes exported from other applications like Maya either.

Maybe I am doing something wrong. If I am, please point it out. I’d also be willing to help with testing if you can’t use Maya or Zbrush for some reason.


Sorry for reply late, just back from a trip.
Unreal exporting obj with vertices un-weld, there’s “Welded Vertices” option when export as fbx but not for exporting obj format. I’ll write my own obj exporter in future version, hopefully that will make it easier for take the mesh out of unreal to be edited in Maya or ZBrush.
I’m current working on a Mesh Clean Up tool to do basic mesh clean up job automatically.
The edge loop detection algorithm I worte is considered naive which I wish I could improve when got time working on that area.

[WIP] Adding mesh boolean

Thanks for the response. :slight_smile: Will be sure to test whenever I get more free time. :frowning:

Looks excellent, nice work!

Preview of new UI:

Hey I have a little problem…, The meshes that I am creating are importing rotated, how do I fix this?

Hello Sir,
is it possible to chamfer using mesh tool i am facing the problem please help me?

I have I was wondering how you guys find the boolean tool menu and opensubdiv. 4.18.1 unreal version.

That new UI is looking fab, nice work.

Hi @Unbelieveable The boolean tool and opensubdiv tool are not ready yet, I hope they will be ready for next 1.10 update.

There’s currently no chamfer tool in Mesh Tool, the closest operation is inset. (Select the faces, press “I” key to inset, then pull the inseted faces up)

Hi @jojo8026, I can’t reproduced the problem you ran into. Is there any rotation value in the newly created static mesh actor or only the mesh itself is rotated?

Hmm i just clicked on the create mesh button and here is what I got

@jojo8026 That’s weird. A might be stupid question, is it possible the meshes near the newly created cube are rotated? (So though it seems the cube is rotated but actually the reference meshes are?). To verify, you can throw in a default cube and set it’s location to (17424, 14049, -12490) as reference to see if created mesh is indeed rotated.

Here is a default cube I just dragged in, didn’t even have to change the location coordinates

Have you figured out what is wrong yet?