Mesh Tool - A Mesh Editor


Mesh Tool update for 4.18 can be downloaded from launcher now.
If you still have issue downloading, try update the launcher to latest 6.7.1 version (released on 10/30).

Selecting a face causes it to turn the correct color when viewed from far away, but when getting closer to the mesh the selection color fades out. Any reason for this? Is it related to any project rendering settings (I’m using forward rendering, MSAA, etc).

All your plugins are great by the way. Bought them all.


When I try to deploy a BP-only ios project directly to device with MeshTool installed as engine plugin, it thinks it is a code project and won’t deploy.

If I remove MeshTool from engine plugins, it deploys.

I verified the MeshTool.uplugin is marked “Type”: “Editor”, so maybe it is just be some kind of ue ios deployment bug.

It’s not a big deal, as removing from engine plugins fixes it and I typically install the plugins on a per project basis anyway, but posted here in case anyone else experiences similar issue…


There was an old trick regarding deploy BP only ios project with Editor only 3rd party engine plugin you might want to try: (That trick came from the date I still did ios dev, it might not work now)

Open MeshTool.uplugin (Default location: C:\Program Files\Epic Games\UE_4.18\Engine\Plugins\Marketplace\MeshTool\MeshTool.uplugin)

Change line:

"Installed": true,


"Installed": false,

You should be able to deploy BP only ios project now without disabling/removing the particular editor only engine plugin. (Hopefully)

Hi @**Cameron Abt **thanks a lot for your support!

It seems it’s indeed the MSAA causing the selection color fading away when viewing closer. I’ll try find a solution for that. Thanks a lot for reporting that to me.

Moving editing options to it’s own window is a good idea. The current UI is pretty much the same as the very first Mesh Tool prototype which is indeed clunky. Got some ideas regarding UI I would explore after 1.10 release.

For changing mesh pivot, there’s a “Set Pivot to Widget” button in Object panel which can be use to set pivot location to current widget location. But unfortunately it currently only supports setting pivot location but not rotation. I’ll add an option to be able to set pivot rotation as well.

Hey when I try to walk on a mesh I just created I fall through it, what type of collision do I need to set up and could you add a feature where when you create a mesh that it automatically makes collision for you so you can walk on it?


You can click “Set Complex As Simple” button to make the the Static Mesh using it’s rendering mesh as collision mesh. (You only need to click it once per mesh)

Here’s a mesh in Player Collision view before click the button:

And after;

@ First, let me say MeshTool is so awesome - I am using it extensively for the GameJam.

But… it often crashes during undo… so much so I am afraid to use ctrl-z.

It is a hard crash - will try to run in debug editor next time to get you stack trace…

Hey, I’m looking into buying this and I would like to know if it’s possible to convert something you make into an actual model that can be used in different levels etc?

Is there a way to avoid creating a new StaticMesh Asset everytime I create a new Mesh?
I am thinking about BSP here, since these Brushes are self-contained within BrushActors without bloating the Content Folders with hundreds of Brushes.
Instead they are saved together with the Level. Which makes sense.

If I understand what youre asking, then yes. The way this works is it just creates a new Static Mesh in the content folder (or a folder of your choice) and it can be used just like any other static mesh. Drag and dropping, scaling, adding to blueprints, etc.

Yes thats what I was asking, thats great thanks you! :slight_smile: Probably gonna buy it this week

Is OpenSubdiv coming in the next update?

I am not getting a blue square when selecting a face in any of the modes, please fix ASAP

@Shirk Thanks for helping out!

@jojo8026 OpenSubdiv will be in 1.10. I’ll be travelling from 14.Nov to 1.Dec, and will finish 1.10 after I’m back.

Which engine version are you using?

In 4.16, you can tuning alpha value of face selection color:

There’ s a knowing issue that the selection color not rendering when using Forward Render with MSAA which I’m still looking into.

Hi, I’m setting up discord server for all my tools:

Please feel free to post discussion / feature request / bug report in either place.

( I’m travelling from 14.Nov 2017 to 1 Dec.2017, and will be more active on discord when I’m back.)

4.18 and I have to restart the engine everytime to get it working again

@jojo8026 I’m pushing a new build to fix the issue you reported (hopefully as I can’t reproduce in my environment).

Just tick the option “Face Selected Color Foreground Fix” on, see if that solve your issue.

I’m packaging and uploading for marketplace/itch update now.

Mesh Tool update is now live on Marketplace version submitted.
* Add option to force selected face color render in foreground

Off to airport now…