Mesh to terrain Converter

Hi, this plugin exists for mac?

Unfortunately it does not. It’s still bound to the rules of the unreal terrain system.

hello, i bought ur plugin, but when i import mesh, height map resolution is invalid… and i cant press import… i just import simple plane :frowning:
help me

Having the same issue as dinka, though I’m guessing that’s due to the 8mb mesh limit. It may be better to set that limit within the editor so the user can toggle the limit on/off or at least leave it for the user’s discretion what file size (how detailed) the terrain should be with warnings of going over 8mb, I’ve always seen Mesh to Terrain assets as a way of retaining important details that can sometimes be lost in heightmap conversions- having to lower the mesh to 8mb makes the plugin less useful for uses like my own where I’m recreating a terrain/environment 1:1 with a real location. I understand I can change that in the cpp file but would have been nice to have that support out of the box.

Have you tried importing a curved mesh and see how well the landscape conforms to the shape? I’ve been trying to figure out a way to curve the landscape more. Not into a sphere, but just a slight bulge.

I have since updated the plugin and you can set the max size directly in the editor under the plugin section :slight_smile:

Can you explain a bit more? I’m not sure I follow. Do you mean the concept of overhangs?

If there’s 2 or more z points at the same x-y coords. Heightmaps image files just can’t do this as far as I have found.

I’m having trouble with this importer.

I create the mesh in Blender and export it as an FBX.

Image 1 shows my mesh imported using the normal UE4 FBX importer.

Image 2 shows the wireframe version.

Image 3 shows the FBX to Landscape importer settings.

Image 4 shows the wireframe version of the FBX to Landsape mesh.

What am I doing wrong?

I’ve been testing your plugin and would like to share my opinion, I extracted the landscape from Fallout 4
Prewar Sanctuary. and welded the tile vertices applied a mesh smooth then cut into 90 tiles.

Then Imported each fbx tile at 100% z scale, and exported each one created a bounding box. Used an online percentage calculator
to calculate the original terrains height for each tile.

Original Height 797.0469
100% Z Height 51048.4375
Percentage 1.5613541550610635%

Having the terrain cut into tiles gives a more accurate denser mesh, Do you think it would be possible to try adding some form of world composition
function. maybe read transforms from a text file to get the z scale and fixing the seams.

The right is my original mesh.

World composition is something that I will need to investigate further. It might be possible but it might be not due to how Unreal allows you to access and change some of it’s underlying editor features.
I will have to get back to you on that.

You need to export the mesh with Z as the up axis. I know Blender by default exports it with Y as the up axis and that is probably what causes the issue.

I have been unable to get this to work - i want a cylinder shape not a square everytime I import it screws up and doesnt give me anything close to a cylinder ?

Hi please email me the mesh at

Hi, If I have purchase the plug in, Can I share it with my team members?

Hi, is it possible to roundtrip with this plugin?
So if I create a terrain in maya and then send it to ue4 with your plugin and then am I able to send it back to maya from ue4 for some adjustments?
and then back to ue4 again with your plugin?

You can export the landscape by selecting it and go to file ->export selected. Then you can save it as an FBX and edit it in maya.

Hi! I was wondering about:

  1. UE uses non power of 2 terrains, but during the import I see such numbers are requested. How these map actually? Also I see no 8k option in the screenshot on the marketplace, is it old?
  2. Apart from verts, is other data used? Like normals for example. Or you just average orthographically over the vert coords? Basically, I wonder about the sampling method and its effects.


  1. UE uses non power of 2 terrains, but during the import I see such numbers are requested. How these map actually? Also I see no 8k option in the screenshot on the marketplace, is it old?

It is not mandatory that the size of your mesh is a power of 2. The mesh is scaled internally (while preserving the aspect ratio) so that one of its sizes is a power of 2. This is done in order to minimize the transformation error by making use of the fact that in the UE landscape module the section size is a power of 2 - 1. (This link might be useful: Landscape Technical Guide in Unreal Engine | Unreal Engine 5.3 Documentation)

The 8k option was not added so far because we found it to be impractical. We haven’t had any use case for such a huge terrain and no one requested it. Nevertheless, in case you want to experiment with it, we’ve enabled it in the 4.23 version of the plugin.

  1. Apart from verts, is other data used? Like normals for example. Or you just average orthographically over the vert coords? Basically, I wonder about the sampling method and its effects.

The transformation is done using only the verts’ coordinates - it doesn’t make use of any other data.
In a nutshell, the rasterization is performed as follows:

  • for each face of the mesh compute its plane equation
  • find the terrain “pixels” the face covers
  • having the plane equation compute the height of the terrain in those points
  • if such a “pixel” is covered by multiple faces, then perform some sort of interpolation of the heights given by the different plane equations

Landscape Technical Guide

Hello. I am having issues converting my mesh. I can’t get neither proper scale nor proper rotation. Can you please help?
You can download the fbx file from this link: Dropbox - File Deleted