Mesh shadows disappearing in certain distance


I’m having an issue which causes my door handle to disappear in unrealistic distance (pictures attached), the character will just move certain distance and the handle will be gone, any way to solve this? I’m using both dynamic spotlights and pointlights around the door area.

Thank you in advance!

here’s a video, if it’s helping.

Hey, I don’t have any directional light in the scene, I’m only using spotlights and pointlights which don’t got any distance field shadows settings.

I think maybe you’ve been fiddling with the shadow distance on the light?:


Is that shadow coming from the sun, or a nearby light?

I don’t use any directional light, only spotlights and pointlights.

Did you set ‘max draw distance’ on those lights?

How many lights in the scene, can you cut it down to just the one that’s giving the shadow of the door handle?

I can’t believe they took 2 weeks to publish my replies lol.

Anyway, yes, I am able to cut down the lights to a single movable spotlight that is causing the handle shadow.

And no, the max draw distance is set to 0, changing the value doesn’t solve or affect my issue it seems.

double click your mesh, find the details section, make sure that the ‘cast shadow’ button is checked for each LOD. You will have LOD 0, LOD 1, etc

Thanks for the help, however, I have only 1 LOD and the cast shadow is checked.

I agree with ugmoe, with how close you are to the source object and how fast just that shadow is disappearing it looks like that’s the view distance a new LOD is becoming active and either doesn’t have cast shadows enabled or has some other issue that prevents it from casting a shadow.