Hey there!
I’ve been working on a quick top-down multiplayer game, and I’ve run into a problem. I’ve been trying to get a shell projectile to fly in an arc and land at the player’s cursor position, and everything about it is working, but I can’t get the projectile’s particle to follow the rotation of the projectile throughout the arc!
This is what it looks like on a server:
and this is what it looks like on a client:
Right now what I’m doing is spawning the projectile on the server, and then the projectile itself is replicated to the client. This works with other projectile, they cause damage, fly around on both screens, and damage things, even spawn their explosions, but the only thing that isn’t working is that rotation. I’ve tried checking/unchecking the “rotation follows velocity” in the Projectile Movement component, I’ve tried spawning a particle after the projectile is created, and having that follow the projectile and inheret velocity/rotation, and I’ve even tried manually updating the rotation of the particle via tick (which isn’t efficient, but I wanted to try it…) and none of this has managed to rotate the particle.
I’ve also played with the PSA Velocity in the screen alignment section of the particle, but that hasn’t changed anything at all on server, or client.
Thanks in advance, I’ll update the main thread as needed.