[MM-306] Implemented the ability to Create Standalone Morph Targets from FBX/OBJ Files at runtime
[MM-307] Implemented the ability to Create Morph Targets from FBX/OBJ Files at runtime
[MM-308] Implemented the ability to Export Skeletal Mesh Render Data (reflects already baked standalone morph targets) to OBJ Files at runtime. Welded and non-welded support
[MM-324] Fixed a bug with Add New Morph Target where if the selected name is already in use, the overwrite happens without unloading the Morph Target if it is already loaded
[MM-325] Fixed a bug with Duplicate Morph Target where if the selected name is already in use, the overwrite happens without unloading the Morph Target if it is already loaded
[MM-326] Fixed a bug with Merging Target where if the selected name is already in use, the overwrite happens without unloading the Morph Target if it is already loaded
[MM-327] Merging doesnât allow anymore to pick a Destination name that is part of the selection
[MM-328] Fixed a bug with UMeshMorpherDebugSkelMesh where the bone caching wasnât working as intended
[MM-329] Fixed a bug in wrapper and poser viewport where clicking bones wouldnât work as intended due to cursor hiding
[MM-330] Fixed bonesnapshot bugs in wrapper and poser where the bonesnapshot wouldnât be correctly saved or loaded
[MM-331] Fixed a packaging issue for 5.1 due to fbxsdk missing files
[MM-332] Added Docs and Support menu option under Help dropdown menu
[MM-333] Threshold and Normal Incompatibility Threshold have been removed from the wrapper as they were not used.
[MM-351] Copy Morph Targets now uses the source skeletal mesh with pose applied (if any)
[MM-352] Reference Mesh Master Pose functionality has been simplified. Instead of two booleans now it uses an enum to set the correct Master pose.
[MM-353] Fixed a bug where changing a bone transformation using the text widgets and then moving the transform gizmo would result in a crash in Wrapper and Poser
[MM-354] Windows with Viewports and Morph Targets Lists have been replaced with dockable tabs
[MM-355] Implemented an Entitlement Check which attempts to inform users if they donât own the product. Mesh Morpher as any other code plugin on the marketplace is licensed per seat.
[MM-356] Implemented the ability to regenerate import data which is useful for some marketplace assets.
[MM-357] Code refactor for Editor and Core Modules
[MM-358] Fixed a bug where closing windows(now tabs) with viewports in 5.1 would result in a crash(sometimes)
[MM-359] Various optimizations to UI across the plugin
[MM-360] Fixed a bug with Fit to Target in Wrapper when sometimes could result in a crash. Fit to Target can fail fitting but wonât crash.
Customers that purchased Mesh Morpher on Artstation and Gumroad should get in touch so theyâll be provided with access to the UE Marketplace product.(proof of purchase required)