Mesh Merge: Textures are embedded?


Something weird is happening with UE5.3 that I can’t fnd any documentation about:

When merging meshes (including merging the materials), a new material and new textures are created to match, but:

  1. In UE5.2 the textures and material are separate assets that can be tuned, saved, exported…
  2. In UE5.3 the textures and material are NOT assets but appear to be included in the merged mesh (the filesize is rougly equivalent to the several files in UE5.2 combined).

What is going on here? Is there a way to control this behaviour?

The same thing is happening to me, no solution so far?
Even some alternative ways to export the textures of the merged actor?

In my scenario I chose to do the HLOD work in UE5.2 and move the assets to the 5.3 project after, as a workaround.

Would be great to understand the background though.

You can open the embedded texture asset and use the Save As function to extract it.

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Just started having the same issue.

This was the solution, thankyou very much.

Kind of stupid to have to do this work around and save everything manually but hopefully Unreal Engine has a good reason for it being like this now (Probably just a bug though because simplify mesh still works the way you would expect)

Thanks again

How can you open embedded textures?

Open the material instance and double click the texture there.

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