Mesh material doesn't look same through SceneCaptureComponent2D

The material looks like this in the view port, but when I view it through the SceneCaptureComponent2D in game, it looks like some lighting is missing. How do I adjust the settings so it captures everything attached to the object?

Here are my current settings



SceneCaptureComponent2D settings

Yeah, it shouldn’t be, but it can be, quite hard to get a SceneCapture to look exactly like a full renderer. We only use them for small inset things like magnify windows, CCTVs, or mirrors. All things that you might expect to look a bit different anyway.

If that is a character creation screen (not sure from screenshot) I’d advise against using a scene capture for it. It will be misleading compared to what the character looks like in game, just about no matter what tweaks you do.

For example on one project, just to get lighting and reflections in magnification windows to look decent, we had to put invisible cube maps around the levels with “visible in scene capture only” checked. That was a 5.1 project. Is it better now? Not sure. :expressionless:

Thanks for the reply. I kind of have to use the scenecapturecomponent in order to show a 3d model in the UI. Do you know of any other methods I could use?

SceneCapture is probably the only way if that is a UI popup menu over other game elements.

If that menu is full screen you could move the player camera to a dedicated room for character customization. That is a common approach.

If you had a video of the UI in action others might have suggestions. The character art, level art, and lighting look good btw. Nice work. :+1: