In 4.17 version of UE4 we were using Mesh Data emitter for different particle systems and we were able to change colour this way:
take particle system component
get material from particle system component
create material instance from this material
change parameter of this new material instance
set new material instance as material for particle system component
In 4.17 everything worked great and colour were changing for all type of particle emitters, BUT in 4.19 Mesh Data emitter stopped to accept this change in runtime.
GPU sprites are fine, even Ribbon data emitter type behaves right.
Does anybody experienced this problem ? Is there a way how to force particle system component to somehow reload materials that is using ?
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If this is something you really need and issue is not fixed I have solution for you.
Open Engine\Source\Runtime\Engine\Private\Particles\ParticleEmitterInstances.cpp
and use this
void FParticleMeshEmitterInstance::Tick_MaterialOverrides(int32 EmitterIndex)
// we need to do this here, since CurrentMaterials is unique to mesh emitters, so this can't be done from the component. CurrentMaterials
// may end up in MeshMaterials, so if this doesn't get updated, rendering may access a garbage collected material
// make sure currentmaterials are all set to the emitter material, so we don't end up with GC'd material pointers
// in MeshMaterials when GetMeshMaterials pushes CurrentMaterials to MeshMaterials
if (Component && Component->EmitterMaterials.IsValidIndex(EmitterIndex))
if (Component->EmitterMaterials[EmitterIndex])
//NOTE(jakub.hubacek): FParticleMeshEmitterInstance partially takes in account that mesh could have more than 1 material, but then it fails to take takes default material from array of current materials
if (Component->EmitterMaterials[EmitterIndex])
CurrentMaterial = Component->EmitterMaterials[EmitterIndex];
for (UMaterialInterface *& CurMat : CurrentMaterials)
CurMat = Component->EmitterMaterials[EmitterIndex];
... function continues here
Hi! Did you test this solution on 4.21? I added the code as indicated but with no change ingame. The mesh particles are still not being updated with the dynamic instance applied to the emitter.