Mesh colliding with the ground makes tha camera shake

Hi, I created a pawn blueprint with a static mesh of a motorbike inside, and then I have attached tha camera to it to make it follow the motorbike,but when I am going op on a hill or down from it it the camera start shaking, I think that is because the static mesh is not moving with an animation or something like that, but I have no Idea on how to fix it

I also tried to make the camera not child of the mesh but then it didn’t follow the motorbike properly, not even using attach to, set relative location or set world location.
I am also attaching a short youtube video that highlight te problem

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attach a camera boom with some horizontal and vertical lag to the mesh and then attach the camera to the boom

Thank you, but that didn’t really fix the problem because the mesh is still tilting; I think that it is colling with each mesh of the spline, do you have any I idea of how to set the spline to be consider as 1 single mesh?

Thank you, but that didn’t really fix the problem because the mesh is still tilting; I think that it is colling with each mesh of the spline, do you have any I idea of how to set the spline to be consider as 1 single mesh?