I’m building a large open world where I’m using splines to create a road system. I have to build between 2000 and 3000 splines that i need to merge into static meshes. The problem is that the merge tool does not retain the settings after restarting the engine. I need to be able to quickly and efficiently generate static meshes with nanite activated, landscape culling, and nanite fallback as percentage triangles, as well as automatically replacing the spline actors with the static meshes.
Whenever i take a break to burn a backup, i forget to go over the setting all over again, and quickly realize I’ve wasted time building meshes that i then got to edit again to make sure they meet the standards for my world. I don’t see a way to create presets, and from a production cycle perspective it’s beyond frustrating.
Has anyone come across this issue, and found a solution? My current version is 5.51.
Thanks in advance!