I’m posting this question here as recommended by Tim Hobson. I am using the tool named “Merge actors”, found under (Window>DeveloperTools>MergeActor), and the result of doing that is a mesh that has zero triangles. In spite of that, it creates a material and an atlas texture, which makes it the more weird.
Please find attached two example meshes which I used to replicate this example, along with the settings I used to import them into Unreal, the merging settings and the final result. Here’s the link to the dropbox where you can download them:
I tested on 4.15 and confirmed the issue has been fixed. Would you mind testing this yourself to confirm?
Since this has already addressed a bug report isn’t necessary. I also checked and it looks like a JIRA wasn’t filed for this either meaning that the fix isn’t really documented. I hope that helps and happy developing!