MEMORY: "current memory usage" increases above the limit without making changes to the Island

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Unreal Editor for Fortnite

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I haven’t made any changes to my island, and the “current memory usage” increases above the limit. If I am using the editor, the memory usage is 94,000. When I play the game, it is at 101,000. Now the Editor is at 101,000. I have deleted 100 assets, and the memory usage actually went up.

Steps to Reproduce

Steps to Reproduce

  1. If I am using the editor, the memory usage is 94,000.
  2. When I play the game, it is at 101,000.
  3. The “current memory usage” is changing without me adding to or making adjustments to my level.

Expected Result

Expected Result
I need more memory as I am editing on an XL Island. The memory limit needs to provide enough for Prefabs AND Game Mechanics.

Observed Result

Observed Result
Memory is jumping Above “current memory usage” limit without me making any adjustments to the level. I closed the project at 94.000. I opened the project again, to find the “current memory usage” is at 110,000. That is a drastic change when I have not done anything since I closed the project.

Additionally, I cannot place more than 3 Prefabs with foliage and decorative rocks that combine aesthetics with the Landscape. The Rocks are simplified Mesh Models, and the materials are also Lower Resolution. Include this with game mechanics (Teams setup and devices) and I am overburdened.



Island Code


Additional Notes

Please allow more Cell Memory in XL islands.
Thank you VERY MUCH for taking a detailed look into all my bugs and issues so far.
If my map is good enough, Can I do anything please to get my map listed on the discover tab in fortnite? PLEASE! thank you So much for everything!
Have A GREAT Thanksgiving :):slight_smile:

the same problem on my Map, i need Help!!!
I have no custom assets or car spawner device, maybe the Item-Granter makes Problems???

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Item spawners too many will cause massive lag and slowdown in the game. I am not sure why but i Had to remove every item spawner in my game, tried item granter, but is bugged and only assigns the first same 4 weapons from the item list to the players.

The Assets behave as if they are loaded into each cell like a custom asset or a device that causes the memory to explode, which cannot be the case, only those cells that overlap the loading circuit should be loaded, everything else is streamed,
I can confirm that the item granter makes the game slower and causes lags