Memory cost getting higher regardless of deleting items


I have tried moving and deleting things in my map to clear up memory. I was previously just around 100k, give or take 10. I pushed changes and even though there was less things in that spot than there were before, I ended up with more memory than I had from the start.

How do I fix this?

Please select what you are reporting on:

Unreal Editor for Fortnite

What Type of Bug are you experiencing?


Steps to Reproduce

  1. Launch a session
  2. Go to the place that is taking up memory
  3. Remove things from that area
  4. Push changes

Expected Result

Memory is within the limit, or at least lower than before I deleted items

Observed Result

Memory is a lot higher than the limit anyway



Island Code

Unpublished update for 6986-0393-2748 (I can’t publish it because memory is too high)

Additional Notes

Streaming is enabled.

I contacted support but they were of no help at all.

Do you use World Streaming ? If you do, you need to optimize the highest cell or the globally loaded elements

Yes i do have streaming on. how do I optimize it? @im_a_lama

Some stuff gets compounded when your in a session. It feels like even though its been deleted it’s still loaded in memory. Like billboards…

I’m also paranoid of going straight to a memory test without shutting down fortnite, building HLODs then launching again.

Does building HLODs fix the problem? How long does it take?

No it won’t, HLODs need World Streaming, you need to either understand how it works or disable World Streaming, the highest cell is shown on your memory calculation dump in UEFN and the rest is shown there too, you can export as csv pretty easily, devices are never streamed so that’s probably something to look at

Whats your World Partition Grid Size and Loading Range ?