Melee Spawner Won't Damage Husks | Creative 1.0


I am making a creative map where one of the main mechanics is upgrading your melee weapon to fight husks from the creature spawner. The default sword and hammer from the creative weapon selection works and damages them but whenever I spawn in a weapon from a melee designer device even if I don’t change any settings and leave it at default, The melees from the device do absolutely no damage to husks.

Please select what you are reporting on:


What Type of Bug are you experiencing?


Steps to Reproduce

-Place a creature placer/creature spawner
-place a melee designer
-configure melee designer/keep default settings
-spawn melee weapon
-start game and attack husk

Expected Result

custom melee should damage hust

Observed Result

Melee does not affect husk at all :frowning:


Playstation 5


Additional Notes

My map isn’t published yet so I’m not providing the code.