Melee Combat Help

So I’m trying to do a combo based melee system like with Kindgom Hearts or Devil May Cry, basically playing the next chain in the attack after each consecutive button press.

Currently I have this issue where I’m trying to get my player to play the next chain in a combo only after another button press, currently I have it to where you have to hold down the attacking button for him to perform the entire combo.I have a anim montage setup included as well.

I tried to do the fortnite system, but I’m having a real hard time understanding it.

I would really appreciate the help and sorry for the bother!

I can’t say that I’ve used Montages like that but still it shouldn’t be that big of a change from how I go about it…I do believe you’d just chose which section…Maybe it’ll be of no help but I’ve a few videos on my DMC style fighter…

hope it helps…sorry if it doesn’t…

Dude thank you so much! Your method was so simple and easy to use! Your other videos are helping as well! Your videos should be on the wiki for melee!:smiley:

As I mentioned in the PMs, I prefer using a combination of Get Montage Current Section and Switch On Name when performing melee checks. Since in most cases you want melee inputs to be driven by the character’s current animation state, this is more robust; notifies work, but you run into a lot of perhaps-unwanted edge cases (for example, suppose your melee combo montage gets interrupted by a jump anim or a take-damage anim; you’ll have to go through for every interrupt and find all the flags you need to unset and gates you need to close to make sure the player resumes the montage at the proper point). With the Get Current Section approach, the combo never continues unless the player is playing the appropriate animation, which seems more intuitive to me; I originally used Branch Points to control this switching but it got unweildy quickly so I refactored my own combo logic to the aforementioned approach.

happy to hear it worked for you…there’s a few Melee Games here on the forum…
Lali 90’s “The Admin” WIP Action Game Project - Work in Progress - Unreal Engine Forums
RhythmScript (above post) has an awesome one he’s shown off in a few past posts…I’m hoping we’ll see more soon…
Obihb’s “Ninja Arcade” even has a playable demo…(WIP) - Ninja Arcade - Work in Progress - Unreal Engine Forums … it’s awesome…he’s a ton of cool vids going back to UDK development…I’ve been watching him for a long time now…
were all here I you’ve any questions and happy to see you aboard the hack 'n slash train…

Thanks for all the help guys! I can’t wait to post progress soon!

I do it through blueprints too, basically what I do is create an int variable called attack count and add 1 to attack count everytime I press the attack button, up to the maximum number of button presses then reset it to 1, then you need to call play anim montage ( your combo ) then switch on int and plug in attack count, then for all the different pins you just plug montage jump to section and supply the section name… that’s how I do it anyway…