Megascan Assets become Black in Ue5

I imported some Rock and embankment assets using through Bridge in Ue5. Everything was working fine until I had to go back to scene and now there is no lighting with any of the Megascan Assets. Please see before and After Screenshots. I tried reimporting the Assets and replacing, but it stays the same, no lighting information when in shadows. Its weird, When I hide the trees I get this, below, so asset isnt completely black.

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I am having the same issue.
Importing models in varying qualities and when there is no direct light the texture appears “unlit”. When the model is in direct light the textures are very low quality despite my texture streaming poolsize being 8gb. When I checked out the material is was giving me errors saying that the texture files cant be virtual textures. So I converted them to regular textures but that fixed nothing.

There’s a bug that if you have modified the base MS material, for example because of turning on the virtual textures, it sometimes doesn’t compile properly, but the editor won’t throw any warning until you open the base material (not just the material instance) and recompile it. Then you should check output log for errors regarding unsupported nanite features.

I remember using one of the matlayerblend nodes which instead of the new get/set material attribute nodes uses the older break/make material attribute nodes. Just transferring the inputs between them, even if they are empty, can sometimes cause some nanite unsupported feature to trigger and therefore material end up unsupported and meshes turning black.

If that’s your case (it may, or may not be), then here’s how you’d fix it:
This is for example MatLayerBlend_MultiplyBaseColor:

You would make a copy of the material function into your game’s content folder, and change it up to use the newer get/set node, so other inputs aren’t possibly affected:

And you’d then use that function as a replacement.

I wish epic would just go over all the old MatLayerBlend node and modify them to use the newer get/set nodes. That was the source of issue in my case.

I haven’t changed any of the base materials.
This morning I even made a fresh new ue5 project (Which correctly displayed the textures without any errors) and copied the MSPresets folder from the new one to my project and even with fresh material defaults I am still having the same problem.

Other issue I have gotten into is that for some reason, the AO fed into the base material was solid black color / 0. You can check if that’s the case too.


same issue, @Rawalanche your solution works for me, thanks

Setting value at AO to more than 0 should fixed the issue for me. 0.2 works well in my case.


У меня была такая же проблема. (Кстати, если я создавал новый проект там было все хорошо). Вообщем там действительно проблема с AO. Материал MF_MapAdjustments отображался полностью черным, а так не должно быть. Вообщем в настройке проекта у меня был выключен “Allow Static Lighting”. Когда я его включил все заработало корректно.


This is the answer

Here the weird solution, I’m on 5.5.2 … if you tried everything mentioned and nothing worked, do the following: go to the textures folder and open the textures, and try open the meshes also if possible … or right click on the folder and choose validate assets in the folder , yes … it is often a streaming issue. wait until it finished preparing the shaders and on my side this is only what solved the issue.