Media Textures and temporal motionblur UE5

Hi, I’m using a video media texture in sequencer in UE5. When I render with the Movie Render Queue my antialiasing creates motion blur for the video texture’s temporal frames - i.e. it mixes in samples of the previous and next frame of what’s playing on the video. I don’t want this. I want discrete frames of the video itself, but with object or camera motionblur. Are there any tricks to turning off motion blur on a media texture - like NoTimeBlur in Nuke or setting a per object motion blur value like in 3dsMax/Vray.

My work around currently is to set the temporal samples to 1 and the spatial samples to 1. This fixes the issue i.e. I get motion blur of the objects but not the video texture’s internal temporal values, but then I have noisy images. However if I try to improve my my spatial samples above 1, say to 12 it gives me nice edges but then my volumetric spotlights animate their volume coverage (the source jumps around per frame) so I’m a bit stuck.




So I figured out what was happening with this media texture. When I original brought in the 23.98 fps exr frames and added them to the sequencer, the sequencer was set to 30fps. I’d then changed the fps to 23.98 of the sequencer and moved the media texture to frame 0001. However internally sequencer was still thinking that the start frame should have been 0001 at 30fps, so it was adding a slight inbetween to the footage thinking it was starting at a subframe.

To fix this I set the sequencer timeline back to 30fps and dragged the media to 0001 and then switched sequencer back to 23.98 which fixed it. On the time line the footage visually starts at a subframe, which looks counterintuitive but actually works. This allowed me to set me AA back to 5x5 and looks lovely.

Moving forward, lessen learned is for when I create new projects to be sure that I change the fps of sequencer to 23.98 BEFORE I add the media tracks and then it behaves as expected.


Interesting finding!

It would still be nice to just be able to turn off temporal AA where desired.

I found this youtube video explaining how to remove it on media plates, but it is so excessively convoluted.