media texture can not loop or rewind on ios device,
buy it works all right on PC
my UE4 version is 4.7+
Hello guy in 2k china,
To note, the Media Player Asset is still in development and is still considered an experimental feature. With that being said, take a look at the documentation for more information about the Media Framework.
Media Framework
I have a few questions that will help me troubleshoot your issue.
- What iOS device are you deploying to exactly?
- What engine version are you using? For example 4.7.4 or 4.7.6?
- Would you be able to reproduce the issue in a new blank project, and if so could you provide me with simple reproducible steps so I can see the issue on my end?
- What format is the video you are attempting to play?
After these questions are answered I will be able to test this issue so we can find a solution. If you have any other questions or have additional comments please let me know.
I’m having the same issue, here’s the post I made ealier today:
- iPad Air 2
- 4.7.6 (on windows)
- I’ve tried to start over a couple of times: I import the video as a media player, make a media texture and then a material, which I then add to an image inside a widget.
- h.264 mp4, no sound. ~6mbps VBR, 768x1024(portrait). It’s the only format I got to work.
Would you mind showing me how you have the video set to playback through blueprints?
Or are you simply using the ‘Auto-Play’ and ‘Loop’ options within the Media Player Asset itself?
Thank you,
I don’t have access to the project file right now, but I actually tried both, neither works.
In blueprint I tried a couple of different ways, like attaching Event Tick to the Play node immediately, or using IsPlaying with a branch into rewind and then play. (I remade them in a different project real quick:)
All of the above work on PC
I believe I also tried using the “SetLooping” Node at one point, but that didn’t work either.
Hey Elapo,
I am currently still in testing the media player asset playing through a mobile device and have been unsuccessful thus far on an iPad Air and a Samsung Galaxy Note. If I cannot get the video to play, I am going to enter a bug report for added support and playback for the Media Asset Player.
In the meantime, I did find a set up that will give you a bit more control over the movies playback while on your device.
Rewind on Touch
I will return here once I have more information. Let me know if you have any other questions or need more help.
Thank you for looking into this! I’ll implement the temporary fix for now. If you require more information, do let me know and I’ll be happy to provide this information.
I checked the UE4 related code, if there is an error, it will return, but I don’t know what is wrong, on PC everything is normal