Video not looping on iOS

Hey everybody, I’m having a slight problem getting to loop a video on iOS.

The setup is as follows: a video (h.264 MP4, 768x1024) playing in widget (just an image with an animated texture, using mediaframework.)

On PC, everything works fine. The video loops like it should. On iOS, however, the video playback stops after 1 runthrough. I’ve tried unchecking “loop” in the media player, and make it loop using blueprints by just adding a play node to Event tick, I’ve tried pausing and rewinding before replaying, ect. All of those work on PC, but none loop the video on iOS.

I’ve added a text that tells whether or not the video is playing, and I’ve noticed that in some cases, it alternates very quickly between Playing/stopped.

I kind of am out of ideas, so if anyone has some suggestions, I’d be grateful. Thanks in advance!

Hey Elapo,

I am going to close this post as a duplicate and we can continue troubleshooting this issue on the post you commented.
