Media Texture always in sRGB

Hello all, I have a bit of a trouble here.

I’m trying to play ui-movie through slate with the Media Framework. I’ve got everything working right, except for the fact that Media Texture is always registers as a sRGB texture, which screws up its color space when played. Problem is I can’t set its property to non-sRGB like the usual texture. It seems that Media Texture’s property cannot be edited or override.

So, if anyone know how to get Media Texture to register as a non-sRGB, I’ll really appreciate it if you could guide me out.


Sigh… seems like no answer. For now, I just convert the movie texture’s sRGB back to linear color space with the material graph.

Not a very direct way and I don’t like to waste my gpu. :confused:

It would be nice if Epic would be kind enough to let us change Media Framework color space though.

Hey KillerPenguin,

We don’t monitor the community forums regularly. For urgent help, you should post on AnswerHub instead.

Now, as for sRGB, you are right. The current version of UE4 always creates the output texture as sRGB. I am currently working on Media Framework 3.0, and one of the new features is that the user can toggle whether or not the output should be using sRGB. It won’t be in 4.15, but I’m hoping to get it all done for 4.16.

4.16? lordy…

Thanks for the feedback though. SO we know how to manage this accordingly. :slight_smile:

Hey KillerPenguin. Could you show me the node setup as to how to do this. Would be an absolute life saver.

Been hunting all over the net trying to work this one out. Thank you.

Hey guys. Any update on this feature. Thank you.

Media Framework 3.0 is scheduled for 4.18 now.