Media player shuffle and looping issue


Our goal is to play a playlist of .wav files in the same order the files are dynamically added to the playlist.
In UE4 we obtained this result setting in the Media Player detail panel Loop to true and Shuffle to false.
In UE5 5.5.1 when the Loop flag is set to true, the Madia Player always shuffles, no matter of the value on the Shuffle flag.

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Steps to Reproduce

Create a Media Player and a Playlist with at least two audio files dynamically added at begin play, say A.Wav and B.wav
Set Media Player Loop flag to true, Shuffle flag to false.
Open the Playlist in game.

Expected Result

The Media Player plays the Playlist as A, B, A, B, A, B, A, B…

Observed Result

The Media Player plays the Playlist in a random order.

